Short detailed life experiences.

Facing Temptation

Filed under: Uncategorized — cholts at 12:03 am on Thursday, July 16, 2009

Facing temptation is one thing overcoming them is another. God’s temptation is proved to try you, not to cuase you to fall but to build you up. You own your own LUST. EVERY man is tempted. But why do I feel like I’m the only one? Not only has this past week tempted me but also my entire life. I start to realize how complicated things are, and how I choose to deal with them, and I finally realize; not in a good way. I had to pray about my situations and just my life in general.

God led me to the conclusion that everbody struggles with something, but whatever you struggle with doesn’t make you better than somebody else! We don’t accept things because we have a problem wiht BLAME! God isn’t trying to tell me anything, satan is trying to kill me.

” God I’m struggling with TEMPTATION!, but I’m looking for a way out!

“I’m going to stop for a minute and look for the way out.”

Well I’m out for tonight. I had a ruff day, nothing seemed to work out right, but thats basically my whole entire life. I refuse to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Hello world!

Filed under: Uncategorized — cholts at 4:55 pm on Sunday, July 12, 2009


I think i good get use to this blogging thing.

Well, My name is Courtney OF COURSE!!!, and I am from a very small town named Eau CLaire, in Michigan.  One thing about me is that I can tend to come off as being shy, but those first few words of our conversation the spell of shyness will be broken.I am very excited to be seeing what the rest of this week has in store for all of us. I’m sooo ready to learn and experience all the gifts that I have been blessed to have. I hope you all are ready to have as much fun as I am.